Eating cashew is good for health, but do you know that eating cashew can also have many disadvantages.

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Cashew contains a high amount of fat, due to which if it is eaten in large quantities, it gives big weight.

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But if it is taken in the right quantity then it is also helpful in reducing weight.

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In a 2003 report it has been found that those who are allergic to cashew

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They should avoid using it as it can cause itching, diarrhea and vomiting.

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If you have a problem with high blood pressure, then you should avoid the consumption of salted cashew nuts.

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Because the sodium present in it increases blood pressure.

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Cashew nuts should not be used much in the summer season as it increases the body temperature.

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If you consume more cashew nuts then you may have the problem of hemorrhage.

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If you have diarrhea problem then you should not use cashew.

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Even if you have a problem of migraine or headache, avoid using it because the amino acid present in it becomes the cause of headache.

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People who have diabetes should avoid its use because the sugar present in it can cause problems.

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Be sure to consult your doctor for accurate and accurate information about the provocation of eating cashew nuts. I hope that you will like the information given by us.

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