29 year old mother of 8 sons is about to give birth to 9th son! People start giving suggestions to form a football team

pic credit - INSTAGRAM that_rosario_life 

Yalancia Rosario, 29, living in Dallas, America, and her 36-year-old husband Michael are the parents of 8 children.

And surprisingly, all their children are boys.

Recently, the couple informed on their social media that Yalencia is pregnant again (Woman Pregnant Again with 9th Son).

He got the sex of the child checked, which showed

That she is going to give birth to a son again. All of them are very happy about this.

According to the report of The Sun website, Yalencia told that her husband wants the couple to have 10 or 12 children.

Although Yalencia largely does not want this. In a video, he told that he has to take care of small children and wake up alone at night.